Dynamic warm up

Prepare for drills, training and matches

Tennis specific warm up

A warm up not only prepares you physically and mentally, but it's purpose is also to help to reduce the risk of injury and enhance performance. A good dynamic warm up routine is vital, whether it's prior to a practice session or before an important match.


An effective warm up will initially raise the heart rate, body temperature, blood flow and increase the range of movement around a joint.


The second phase will activate the major muscle groups that we’ll call upon when chasing a ball down or driving a cross court forehand. It moves the joints through their full range of motion using minimal resistance. Dynamic (moving) stretching will increase the ability of the muscles to contract and extend, reducing the risk of soft tissue injuries. This combination of mobility and dynamic stretching assists in neural activation, so our bodies are ready to respond to the demands placed upon it.


The final phase of the warm up is designed for performance gains once we start playing or training. Here the level of intensity will increase to its highest point of the warm up, so we are physically prepared for the session ahead. It will include the movement patterns that we’ll use when playing. This promotes neuromuscular adaptations (muscle memory) and helps to improve co-ordination. Given the multiple components of fitness required for tennis and the complex demands place on pretty much all of the body, our warm up will cover the whole body, while paying particular attention to the rotator cuff, core, back, hips, quadriceps and hamstrings. It also includes some simple footwork patterns.

Purchase the 25 minute full dynamic warm up from the drop down menu

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